Quisiera ser tu pintor

by Hector Valentin

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I would like to be your painter to paint your figure, in a nude pose that is only for me

I would like to be your painter and make your portrait large to hang it in my room so that I never miss you

I would like to be your painter and get into your painting to fill you with kisses even if doubts kill me

I would like to be your painter, a painting that is not auctioned, no one can buy it because no money is enough, no one can buy it because no money is enough

First I want to paint your breasts and your hips and your angelic face, with your hair that fits you

With my silk brushes I want to immortalize you, it is not to commercialize because it stays with me

I would like to be your painter, a painting that is not auctioned, no one can buy it because no money is enough, no one can buy it because no money is enough

Chorus: I would like, I would like to be your painter and get into your painting to shower you with kisses even if my doubts kill me

First I want to paint your breasts and your hips even if doubts kill me, even if I die of grief

What a boast!

Repeat it

I will not be a good painter but I love you Yolanda



Other Information

Alberto Tamayo Gonzelez
Tumi Music (Editorial) Ltd